
Wednesday, March 30, 2016


4. The spice that enhances marital flavour is SEXUAL INTIMACY.

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God ordained sex for the confines of marriage chiefly for the pleasure of couples and to serve as a means of strengthening the bond between them. Hebrews 13:44 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. It is crucial for couples to not allow anything tamper with this aspect of their marriage and to also see to it that each person makes the satisfaction of their spouse their ultimate goal. The marriage bed should never be used to settle scores or punish each other, by withholding sex from them. 

Settle issues that arise in your relationship and communicate freely with each other concerning sexual intimacy between the two of you. Married couples should also beware of acting out sexual fantasies that they have in their minds and forcing their partners to engage in anything they find uncomfortable. Again, each one should make their partner's satisfaction their goal. And whatever you do, talk freely about sex in your marriage, both of you together. Do not assume anything.

If you need enlightenment from a christian perspective on sex in marriage there are great books written by christian authors who are also medical doctors and sex therapists. They are professionals and they are believers. Some examples are authors like Dr. Dag Heward-Mills, Dr. Doug Weiss, Ed Wheat etc. 

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