Children are different
I am blessed to be a biological mother of three wonderful
children. It never ceases to amaze me how different they are, even from the
cradle. If you have more than one child, I am sure you can relate.
Even identical twins are so unalike in very many ways. Children of the same
parents, raised in the same environment can be poles apart in their character,
disposition, demeanor, personality etc. A good understanding of this truth
constitutes an indispensable cornerstone in raising great children. God created us humans to be different on purpose. We are
the way we are because God was mindful of our purpose and assignment when
creating us. He has the big picture of our destinies. And so He created
each one of us deliberately with a unique set of skills, abilities,
temperaments, disposition and so forth. This explains why some children are easy-going, laid back
and very easily compliant. While others are more pushful, argumentative and
somewhat hard to get along with. Some children are introverted and not very liberal with
their words.
While other children are very extroverted and talkative. Some children and shy and withdrawn while others are very
out-going and bold. Some children draw their strength from being alone and not
needing much interaction. Others live for and crave the limelight! They derive
their emotional strength from social interactions. Some children are very
meticulous and deliberate about everything they do. Others are clumsy, messy
and act before they think! With little or no explanations, some children obey
instructions instantly. Others will not only hesitate to obey, but will
actually question why they are being told to do what. They may eventually obey
but it will have to be at their own pace and time! Some are friendly. Others
take their time to warm up to people. Some children 'get it' the first time.
Others only after repeated attempts. On and on the list goes. Cain and Abel; Esau and Jacob. They were siblings,
remember? For most parents therefore, it is an uphill task
navigating the world of their very different children. It is a major task just
knowing how to deal a fair hand to their offspring.
First let me point out that different does not mean better
or worse. Different simply means that; different! So that one child acts in a
different manner than the rest does not mean he or she is 'bad' or 'better'. (
I am of course not talking about character here but temperament). Next we need to understand that because of these inherent
differences, it is impossible to raise two children the same way! Yes that is
the truth. Since no two children are the same, you cannot raise them
using the same approach. What works for one will surely backfire for the other
because they are different. They process information differently. They respond
to life differently. They have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, the approach to raising an aggressive, bold
child will be too severe for a laid back, easy-going child; it will be too
strong for him/her and will rather break rather than raise them! Conversely,
you cannot adopt the same approach for raising a tender-hearted, compliant
child to a pushful, argumentative child; he/she will take things for granted
and walk all over you!
To be sure, what I am referring to here is the
nitty-gritty, nut and bolt approach to raising each individual child. We cannot
adopt the same exact method for raising two children who are so different in
their ways and even in how they respond to training! In Proverbs 22:6, it says
Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping
with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from
it. (Amplified Version)
Here we have it; the Bible's admonition: Raise each child
according to, bearing in mind and in keeping with his/her unique bent. In other
words, raise each child according to his/her God-determined inclination. 'The
way he should go' therefore does not mean a one-size-fits-all mould that we
force each of our children into, rather it means the path that God has already
earmarked for each child. And this path is already very glaring in each child,
which is why they are different from one another in so very many ways. be continued Tomorrow
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